Electro Homoeo Centre (UK)


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A Summary of the Benefits Of

Electro Homoeopathic



These remedies are all extracted from plants, having energetic properties.  They gently and sometimes instantaneously produce positive energy in the body


They correct any deficiency or excess to natural, balanced proportions, and bring recovery from disease gently, speedily, completely and permanently



They do not simply treat the particular disease for which they are prescribed, but at the same time, do good to your whole constitution


They are non-poisonous, produce no side effects and do not lead to drug dependency


100% Unique Natural Medicine and have no chemical, no animal and no side effects.


Improve your Immune System, Digestion and purify the lymph and blood


60 unique herbal products which have been using since 1869 in Germany, France, Italy & now in Britain.


Electro Homoeopathy

A Purely Plant Oriented System Of Medicine Based On The Bio-Energy Of Nature


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